Sunday, September 27, 2009

"All Blarney"

What an amazing weekend! I’m sad to see it end. Having no classes past Thursday, we began our adventures on Friday with a trip to the Blarney Castle, which holds the famed Blarney stone. The stone holds the “traditional power of conferring eloquence on all who kiss it.” The word Blarney, coined by Queen Elizabeth, has been described as “pleasant talk”, intended to deceive without offending. The stone is set in the wall below the battlements and in order to kiss it, you must lean backwards, grasping iron railings (a picture of me kissing the Blarney Stone is included). I was quite nervous, but lucky for me, there is a very friendly Irish man who holds onto you throughout the experience.

Blarney Castle was more than just a castle and a nifty stone. The Castle is surrounded by the beautiful Rock Close Gardens as well as acres of land, which, having the entire day, we set off exploring. Along the way, we saw giant green palm trees, grazing cattle and horses, and waterfalls (complete with wishing steps).

Picture 1 - Blarney Castle

Picture 2 - Kissing the Stone!

Picture 3 - Afterwards, with the Irishman & Jenna

Picture 4 - the whole gang (minus Mike our photographer)

Picture 5 - Picture of the lake and view (we've lucked out so much with the weather - no rain yet!)

"This is all Blarney. What he says he never means." - Queen Elizabeth I

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