Tuesday, September 22, 2009

County Cork

On Wednesday we packed up our things in the morning and took a three-hour train from Dublin to Cork. From there we settled into our apartments, which although a bit small, are very nice. Major plus: everyone has their own bathrooms!

Basically our first few days in Cork have consisted of exploring the city and doing lots of shopping for food/cleaning supplies/etc. for the apartment. We’ve also had more orientation meetings with University College Cork, where we will be studying for the semester.

This past Sunday, on a random trip to campus, we were invited to join a large group of locals on campus that were playing African drums (pictures of this experience are included along with some fun pictures we took in front on the main quad building on campus).

Picture 1 - Already Proud of my new school & grabbing random UCC flags
Picture 2 - Quad Photoshoot Take 1 - Having fun with Jenna
Picture 3 - Quad Photoshoot Take 2 - Classy
Picture 4 - African Drumming on Campus

And a quote (from a song that came on while making this post):

"And it's a winding road
It's a long way home

So don't wait
For someone to tell you it's too late
Cause these are the best days
There's always something tomorrow
So I say let's make the best of it."

-Best Days, Graham Colton

1 comment:

  1. HANNAH- I love your blog and by the way it is ten times more beautiful than mine ever was-- You definitely have an eye for website design! But it sounds like you are already having such an amazing time in Ireland and your school is absolutely stunning! Take advantage of every minute you have and I can't wait to follow your blog all semester!
