Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Initial Step

So . . . here goes nothing. Welcome to my blog!
I'm writing this (my first entry) approximately 34 hours before departure from the Greensboro airport for a semester abroad. After spending two months in France, I cannot believe that my eight weeks of downtime in the USA are over. With less than two days to go, I am finally beginning to have the normal feelings of nervousness/excitment/curiosity/etc. for my life in Europe! Today I finally started packing. Also, I am beginning to read all the e-mails sent to me by my affiliate program - IFSA (Institute for Study Abroad) at Butler University. As I continue to pack and make final shopping runs to Target and Gap, I think now is a good time for a quote...

Tao Te Ching, verse 64:
Great trees grow from the smallest shoots;
a terraced garden, from a pile of earth,
and a journey of a thousand miles
begins by taking the initial step.

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