Saturday, September 12, 2009

Newark, New Jersey.

After a too short (not enough time to nap) plane trip from Greensboro, I landed in Newark, New Jersey around 11:30 this morning. With almost eight hours of layover time, I have lots of free time on my hands. I had lunch at a 50s-style diner restaurant in the airport while iChatting with mom and dad (pictures included). Now, with five more hours to go, I thought I would write another entry to my blog!

I want to briefly explain the name of my blog - "Aine's Tales from Cork." While trying to come up with a name, I looked at a few websites of Irish names. I stumbled upon one that showed names along with their English equivalent. My name Hannah translated into Irish happens to be the name Aine (pronounced ANYA), hence the decision to call my blog Aine's Tales from Cork!

Enjoy the pictures and hopefully next time I post an entry I will be safely landed in Dublin, Ireland!

And now a quote:

"I am so convinced of the advantages of looking at mankind instead of reading about them, and of the bitter effects of staying at home with all of the narrow prejudices of an Islander, that I think there should be a law amongst us to set our young men abroad for a term among the few allies our wars have left us." -Lord Byron

Oh, and a small bird definitely started hopping around the seats at my terminal - or as the French man a few seats away called it - "un petit oiseau!"

One last thing. I am posting a link to the YouTube video to my favorite song right now - "Say Hey." WATCH & ENJOY!

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