Monday, October 5, 2009

Cliffs of Moher

On Saturday, after an early breakfast at our hostel, our group boarded yet another bus - this time it was a two hour ride to see the Cliffs of Moher. The view was well worth the trip. We snapped lots of photos and held onto each other so that we wouldn't be blown away atop the windy cliffs. After visiting the cliffs, we grabbed a quick lunch in the visiting center and then boarded another bus back to Galway. After a delicious early dinner in Galway, it was back on yet another three and half hour bus and home to Cork!

Picture 1 - the cliffs

Picture 2 - with Sharlett & Suzi

Picture 3 - a different view of the cliffs

Picture 4 - enjoying the view

"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." -Winston Churchill

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