Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ring of Dingle

Sunday, October 25. Today, we woke up and enjoyed a wonderful breakfast at our B&B - Castlewood House. After breakfast, we set out to drive the ring of Dingle. It is a gorgeous (approx. one hour) drive along the coast. It was one of my favorite things we did over the weekend. Every few hundred feet, the road allows for you to stop the car and snap photos. After completing the drive, we stopped off in Dingle for a bite to eat, before getting back in the car and heading to our next destination for the evening, Lehinch.

Picture 1 - Mom and dad with Helen, one of the owners of our B&B, Castlewood House

Picture 2 - hanging out with a Dingle local

Picture 3 - A typical scene for the day - dad taking the picture of me snapping photos of the local wildlife, while mom avoids the winds and rain in our tiny car.

Picture 4 - Mom and dad after dinner in Lehinch at our hotel, the Vaughan Lodge - great place (they get X Factor, among other things)!

"The earth laughs in flowers." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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