Saturday, October 17, 2009

Kinsale Take 2 + Bikes

Today, Suzi and I decided to head back to Kinsale - if you remember from the last post, the gourmet capital of Ireland. Kinsale is a beautiful forty-five mintue bus ride from Cork. We left Cork at 9:45AM this morning and arrived in Kinsale a little bit after ten. We briefly stopped in the tourist information center to pick up a few more postcards and then we headed over to a bicycle rental shop. Once there, we both rented a bike for the day. We took our bikes through the town and rode them to James' Fort. Last time we were in Kinsale, we saw Charles' Fort, so we wanted to check out the other fort. James' Fort was much smaller, but I personally think that it had a better view of Kinsale and the surrounding water. After biking back to town, we stopped for lunch at a local eatery that was delicious. I had a wonderful cheese pizza. After lunch we biked around town some more and also spent some time shopping in a handful of the many boutiques that Kinsale has to offer. After our shopping, we returned the bikes and shared a chocolate cookie from a local bakery in town. Then, it was back on the bus and home to Cork in time to watch X Factor tonight. Quick Sidebar: X Factor is the UK's version of American Idol. Simon Cowell is even a judge. The show is huge over here and all of us have quickly become fascinated with it as well!

Picture 1 - the sign outside our bicycle rental store, which also happens to provide fish tackle. handy.

Picture 2 - we stopped to ask an old Irish man to take our picture with our bikes - his friend demanded that he make it into the photo

Picture 3 - right next to James' Fort, we found a really pretty beach nestled between rocks

Picture 4 - standing on the rocks next to the beach looking out at Kinsale

Picture 5 - biking through town

"Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity." - Gilda Radner

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome that you went biking all over--I'll bet you biked more there than you have in the states! Keep posting the pictures!!
