Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween in Limerick

For Halloween weekend, as part of our IFSA-Butler program, all of the Cork IFSA students spent the weekend in Limerick. We took a bus to Limerick on Saturday morning. Early that evening, we went to a Munster rugby match, which was so much fun! Munster won the game, which we were all very excited about. After the game, we went back to our hotel and all changed into our costumes (I was an Indian - see photos) before heading out to a club that IFSA had gotten us free admission to. The Irish are very inventive when it comes to Halloween and some of the costumes we saw were rather outrageous. Overall, it was a really fun weekend and we especially enjoyed getting to step things up and stay at a nice hotel for the weekend!

Picture 1 - In front of the Munster Stadium before the match - their color is red!

Picture 2 - Getting dressed and into character in the hotel before going out.

Picture 3 - Jenna and I with 'John and Edward' from the X Factor - very creative!

Picture 4 - Enjoying the Indian life!

"It is always with excitement that I wake up in the morning wondering what my intuition will toss up at me, like gifts from the sea. I work with it and rely on it. It's my partner." - Dr. Jonas Salk

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