Monday, November 9, 2009

So, we went to London . . . Part II:Fat Tire Bike Tour

Friday, November 6
Another amazing day in London. First, we had breakfast at our hostel where we had to wash our own dishes. After breakfast, we hopped on a bus to find the meeting place for "Fat Tire Bike Tours." For those of you who have never heard of this company, I highly recommend it. For about 20 pounds (18 for students), you have two tour guides who take you around the city on really comfy bicycles. It is hands down the best way to see a city. You stop about an hour and a half in and have a break for lunch. The tours are also offered in four cities so far, including London, Paris, Barcelona, and Berlin. In London at least almost all of the tour is flat and not too hard for anyone. Also, the tour in London took also through most of the major parks in the city, which in early November were gorgeous. After the tour, we grabbed Starbucks and headed back to our hostel. We got dinner and a really cool restaurant, Giraffe, which had edamame! After dinner, we walked the town some more and then headed back for a great night's sleep.

Picture 1 - All of us at the beginning of our Fat Bike Tour of London.

Picture 2 - Lindsay and me - rather excited to bike.

Picture 3 - One of our two tour guides, David, getting into his story about the infamous Wellington.

Picture 4 - Westminster Abbey - along the route.

Picture 5 - What to do after a three hour bike ride? Starbucks!

For more information on Fat Bike Tours, visit this website:

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." - St. Augustine

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