Monday, November 9, 2009

So, we went to London . . . Part III: Harrods

Saturday, November 7

Today, our last full day in London, we all decided to visit none other than the famous department store, Harrods. It was within walking distance from our hostel, so spent the morning finding our way. Along our walk, we stopped for brunch at a nice French restaurant. Harrods more than lived up to its name. We especially loved it because the entire seven floors were decorated for Christmas, which was pretty incredible to see. We especially enjoyed rediscovering our childhoods on toy floor as well as seeing what spoiled British children get for Christmas - a 15,000 pound miniature Hummer. After Harrods, we grabbed a quick lunch across the street at a nice restaurant and then headed back to the Hostel for a nap before grabbing dinner at a really good Chinese place - Kym's. After dinner it was back to our Hostel to pack and go to sleep. We were up the next morning and sadly in a taxi headed for Heathrow. We all agree 100% that our visit to London was quite incredible and I especially cannot wait to go back!

Picture 1 - Beautiful homes on the way to Harrods.

Picture 2 - Oriel - cute French restaurant where we had brunch.

Picture 3 - cutest Harrods teddy bear!

Picture 4 - some musicians providing Christmas cheer outside the store.

Picture 5 - #1 Hans Street - just for Em!

“You find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of Life; for there is in London all that life can afford." - Samuel Johnson

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