Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"I love Paris in the fall" - Part IIC: Dinner with Borden

Thursday, November 19
Right after our bike tour, we took the metro to the Avenue des Champs-Élysées and rushed into the closest movie theatre to see New Moon - the latest film in the Twilight Series. Luckily for us, movies come out on Wednesday in Paris and so we were able to see the movie before people in the United States. After the movie we met up with my future roomie at Wake, Borden! She took us to the Cafe du Marche, where we had a wonderful French dinner. After dinner, we went to another place and shared a nutella crepe. After that, Suzi and I went to visit the flat that Borden is living in for the semester - she has view of the Eiffel Tower! Little bit jealous.

Picture 1 - roomie picture take 1

Picture 2 - Suzi and Borden (who are both from Chicago) planning what to do for their photo, which in itself made for a really good picture

Picture 3 - Sorora Squat. Roomie picture take 2.

Picture 4 - and again . . . Borden and I on the patio of her Madame's flat - yes. that would be the Eiffel Tower sparkling behind us!

French lyrics from a great song:

"Des yeux qui font baiser les miens, Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche, Voila le portrait sans retouche De l'homme auquel j'appartiens Quand il me prend dans ses bras Il me parle tout bas, Je vois la vie en rose."

- La Vie en Rose

1 comment:

  1. J'adore tout cela! Ta camarade de chambre a vraiement de la chance de rester dans cet appartement en ete. Je voudrais y rester aussi! J'aime bien tes photos et les paroles a cette chanson! Continue a te bien amuser. A la prochaine - Laura
