Sunday, November 8, 2009

So, we went to London . . . Part IA

Thursday, November 5
An exciting day indeed. The five of us (Jenna, Lindsay, Sharlett, Suzi, and I) woke up nice and early so that we could catch a 5:30AM (its funny, but waking up early to catch a plane to travel Europe - no big deal; waking up for a 9AM class - not so easy) taxi to the Cork airport and then board our 7:30AM flight to Heathrow airport. We were all rather pumped - I even made a London playlist on my iPod for the plane ride there. Seriously. Arriving nice and early (9AM) gave us a full Thursday in London. First, we took a taxi (we loved how they looked) to our Hostel in Victoria, which wasn't too bad. It definitely made things cozy, with the six of us (Jenna's sister met her in London for the weekend) sharing a room - three bunks in all and one sink. After checking into the hostel, our first order of business was getting tickets to the theatre. For those of you unaware, London's Westend falls second only to New York when it comes to the theatre. We walked about an hour to a ticket hub that had been recommended to us. After some difficulty, finding good seats, we got lucky with none other than six seats on the 12th row to see WICKED!

Picture 1 - Can you tell that it was 7AM in the morning?

Picture 2 - Really excited about the London Underground!

Picture 3 - Picture with red phone booth - necessary.

Picture 4 - The gang with a blowup British guard outside Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum - please notice Suzi did not make it.

Picture 5 - With the Guard and his horse.

Remember Remember Poem
"Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot . . ."
A poem referring to Guy Fawkes' attempt at treason on November 5th, 1605.

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